Stories for Kids

Stories for Kids
Free English Children Story

How Was I Born?

How Was I Born?

  • Age: 4-6
  • Genre: Fantasy

Elphy embarks on a whimsical quest to understand the mystery of birth, seeking answers from friends with amusing and creative explanations before discovering the truth from Mr. Stork.

Capitan Heart!

Capitan Heart!

  • Age: 4-6, 7-9
  • Genre: Non-fiction

Join Jason’s incredible body organ team on a busy day, where teamwork, trust, and Capitan Heart keep everything running smoothly for a healthy and happy Jason.

I Don’t Like My Curly Hair!

I Don’t Like My Curly Hair!

  • Age: 4-6, 7-9
  • Genre: Non-fiction

Ginny’s hair was all curly and fun, but she didn’t think it was number one. At school, a special task began, drawing faces of friends to understand. With surprises in store, laughter, and grace, Ginny learned a valuable lesson about her own face.