Moral Stories for Kids

Moral Stories for Kids
Best English Stories

Sunny, the Kind Sun

Sunny, the Kind Sun

  • Age: 4-6
  • Type: Educational, Moral
  • Genre: Fantasy

Sunny, the cheerful sun of summer, watched over the children’s vacation until a forest fire ignited a heroic plan to save the day.

Lara the Yellow Ladybird

Lara the Yellow Ladybird

  • Age: 4-6, 7-9
  • Type: Moral
  • Genre: Fantasy

Lara, the unique yellow-winged ladybird ( ladybug ), learned a valuable lesson about embracing her differences and the beauty they brought to the forest.

Mia’s Painting

Mia’s Painting

  • Age: 4-6, 7-9
  • Type: Moral
  • Genre: Non-fiction

Mia, the talented artist, faced a challenge when her zoo painting turned sad. With creativity and kindness, she transformed it into a cheerful forest masterpiece.

Birthday Present

Birthday Present

  • Age: 4-6, 7-9
  • Type: Educational
  • Genre: Non-fiction

Alex eagerly awaits his sixth birthday and a trip to the market with Grandma, armed with birthday money. Along the way, he learns about saving and wise money management.

The Playing Time!

The Playing Time!

  • Age: 4-6, 7-9
  • Type: Educational
  • Genre: Non-fiction

Billy anxiously tries to speed up time for his precious video game hour, embarking on a hilarious clock-changing adventure before his dad discovers the time warp.

Who is The Strongest?

Who is The Strongest?

  • Age: 4-6, 7-9
  • Type: Moral, Bedtime
  • Genre: Fantasy

Join little Goaty on his quest to discover who the strongest person in the world is, and learn that strength comes in many different forms.

Tara and the Toys’ Closet!

Tara and the Toys’ Closet!

  • Age: 4-6
  • Type: Bedtime
  • Genre: Fantasy

Tara receives a beautiful doll named Rapunzel, but her other toys feel neglected in the dark closet. Tara learns that toys are meant to be played with, not just kept new and shiny.

Grown ups’ Language!

Grown ups’ Language!

  • Age: 4-6
  • Type: Moral
  • Genre: Comedy

Meet Jack, a curious six-year-old who’s learning the strange language of grown-ups. It’s his birthday, and he’s determined to make sense of their mysterious words and actions.

I Don’t Like My Curly Hair!

I Don’t Like My Curly Hair!

  • Age: 4-6, 7-9
  • Type: Moral
  • Genre: Non-fiction

Ginny’s hair was all curly and fun, but she didn’t think it was number one. At school, a special task began, drawing faces of friends to understand. With surprises in store, laughter, and grace, Ginny learned a valuable lesson about her own face.

A Big Big Place in My Little Body!

A Big Big Place in My Little Body!

  • Age: 4-6, 7-9
  • Type: Moral, Bedtime
  • Genre: Non-fiction

Meet Dillan, a young explorer with a heart as big as the world! Join him as he discovers that love has a special place in his cozy heart, fitting everyone and everything he adores.

The Land of Lost Socks!

The Land of Lost Socks!

  • Age: 4-6
  • Type: Educational, Bedtime
  • Genre: Non-Fiction, Comedy

Milo can’t find his clean socks! So his mom tells him about a place where lost socks go!