Moral Stories for Kids

Moral Stories for Kids
Free English Children Story

Simon’s Strange Day

Simon’s Strange Day

  • Age: 4-6, 7-9
  • Genre: Fantasy, Comedy

Simon and Joshua faced a mysterious swap of words under a magical tree. Simon, who couldn’t say no, can only say no now, while Joshua, who always said no, can only say yes. A delightful adventure begins!

The bright star

The bright star

  • Age: 4-6
  • Genre: Fantasy, Comedy

In the ancient days, in a sky filled with planets and stars, there was a special, happy rock that glowed green. One day, it decided to explore the universe, but something incredible happened along the way.

The Cherry Tree

The Cherry Tree

  • Age: 4-6, 7-9
  • Genre: Non-fiction

One sunny day, when Hannah’s room was filled with the aroma of freshly picked cherries, she embarked on a delightful adventure, turning cherries into earrings, art, and math practice, all while sharing the joy of cherries with her neighbors.

I Don’t Like My Curly Hair!

I Don’t Like My Curly Hair!

  • Age: 4-6, 7-9
  • Genre: Non-fiction

Ginny’s hair was all curly and fun, but she didn’t think it was number one. At school, a special task began, drawing faces of friends to understand. With surprises in store, laughter, and grace, Ginny learned a valuable lesson about her own face.