A Big Big Place in My Little Body!

Meet Dillan, a young explorer with a heart as big as the world! Join him as he discovers that love has a special place in his cozy heart, fitting everyone and everything he adores.
A Big Big Place in My Little Body! Story
My name is Dillan! I’m old enough to think; but I’m still too young for going too school!
I love my mom and dad! My mom always takes care of me all the time and she reads nice stories for me! And my dad has the most big warm hug in the world!

I love my brother and sister too; Cause they know what makes me happy and always trying to prepare it for me!
Also See the Story: The Big Job Puzzle

I love so many things: My toys, My color pencils, My books, and even my mom’s foods!
One day I looked in the mirror and realized That I’m very tiny! So how can I love all these things with my little body? Where all the love fits?

My mom told me that I have really really big place in my body called “Heart”!
My heart is big, warm and cozy! It’s so big that it can fit all kindness, all people and all the beloved things in itself!
I have a very big place in my body called “heart”! There is enough place for everyone and everything I love in my big big “Heart”!

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