Jonathan in search of treasure – Episode 2

Jonathan in search of treasure – Episode 2
Jonathan in search of treasure – Episode 2 Information
Age4-6, 7-9
GenreNon-fiction, Comedy

Join Jonathan on a thrilling adventure as he becomes “Super Jonathan” to rescue his friend Luke from the mysterious underground city inside a giant subway snake’s belly!

On the way back home, Jonathan was walking with his mother when they saw Jonathan’s friend, Luke! Jonathan waved to Luke and happily ran towards him! He thought that it would be good if he and Luke go home together, but Luke didn’t care at all and continued on his way! Jonathan and his mother went a few streets to look for Luke! Even Jonathan called him several times:
Luke! Luke!

But the street was so crowded that Luke didn’t hear Jonathan’s voice! Luke continued on his way and entered a large underground tunnel in one of the streets! Jonathan said to his mother:
The underground people took my friend to themselves! I have to help Luke!

From the underground subway tunnel, people were coming out moment by moment and it was so crowded that Luke disappeared from Jonathan’s eyes in a moment!
Jonathan said:
No! Luke should not go to the underground city! I have to help him!

He pulled his mother’s hand towards the subway city and said:
I am coming Luke! They call me Super Jonathan!

Jonathan and his mother rode the underground city escalator and entered the city with the people of the underground city! They approached the gates of the underground city! The place was full of guards and he had to pass through the gates so that the guards wouldn’t see him! That’s why he put on his masked hat and opened the gate with the magic card of the subway!

He went to the subway stations of the underground city and looked around. But it was so crowded everywhere that Jonathan couldn’t find Luke!

His mother suggested him to seek help from the underground wise boards and Jonathan accepted his mother’s suggestion! And with the help of his mother, he followed wise boards until he reached the big rails where the big snake of the subway crawled!

All the people were standing and talking to each other and Jonathan was looking for his friend in the middle of the crowd! He pressed the button on his tracker helmet and said:

Tracker hat! Help me find Luke!

But the hat gave no sign! That’s why Jonathan decided to look for Luke himself. He went to the tracks of the big subway snake. Suddenly, the tracker hat started beeping! Jonathan looked around and saw Luke next to the mirror in front of the subway tunnel entrance! He shouted:
Luke! Luke!

Luke heard Jonathan’s voice and looked at him! Jonathan smiled and walked over to Luke with his mother. But before they could reach Luke, a loud noise rang out in the air. Jonathan looked behind Luke’s head and saw two big red eyes approaching them!

A few moments later, the big subway snake came out of the tunnel and stopped! After a few seconds, the big snake made a sound and opened its countless mouths and poured the people of the underground city into its stomach. Jonathan and his mother very quickly entered one of the mouths of the big subway snake! Because they knew that they should find Luke there!

It was very, very crowded in the belly of the big subway snake! Jonathan slowly moved towards the place where Luke had entered the snake’s belly! The beeping of the tracker’s hat got louder and louder until Jonathan saw Luke holding one of the iron bars inside the snake’s belly!
Jonathan came closer and said:
Luke! I came!

Luke said:
Do not worry! I know how to use the underground city escalators! We just have to open the mouth of the subway snake and jump out!

Ok! But be quick! Because we are reaching the light of the tunnel! Here is the way to escape! We have to quickly get to one of the big snake’s mouths!

They quickly stopped behind one of the subway doors. The big subway snake slowed down and yawned! When he opened his mouth, Jonathan grabbed Luke and his mother’s hand and together they jumped out of the snake’s belly! They ran until they reached the escalators of the underground city. They stood on the stairs and after a few moments they reached the street!
Overjoyed, Jonathan and Luke high-fived and said:
We succeeded!

Jonathan’s mother, who had just arrived, said:
Why are you walking so fast? Don’t you want to leave me alone in the snake tunnel?

Jonathan and Luke looked at each other and laughed!


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Article categories: Moral Stories for KidsStories for 4-6 YearsStories for 7-12 YearsStories for Kids
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I'm a narrator obsessed with writing and telling children's stories. I believe that in the stories world, everything is much easier to understand, especially for kids.

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