Magical Stories for Kids

Magical Stories for Kids
Free English Children Story

Free and best magical stories for kids, Read short and bedtime magical children story at Moonzia.

Moonzia: Where magic ignites imagination! Unleash your child’s wonder with Moonzia’s enchanting collection of magical stories. Through dazzling adventures in fantastical worlds, Moonzia sparks creativity and fosters a sense of possibility.

Recent Magical Stories for Kids

Sleeping Beauty

Sleeping Beauty

  • Age: 4-6, 7-9
  • Genre: Fantasy, Fairy tale

Get ready to journey into a magical land where a beautiful princess, a wicked spell, and true love’s power come together in the story of Sleeping Beauty. Are you excited to find out what happens?



  • Age: 4-6, 7-9
  • Genre: Fantasy, Fairy tale

In a humble home, Cinderella’s dreams take flight with a little magic. But when the clock strikes midnight, will her fairytale unravel or lead her to a happily ever after?



  • Age: 4-6, 7-9
  • Genre: Fantasy, Fairy tale

In a world of flowers and fairies, there lived a tiny girl named Thumbelina. She was as small as a thumb, with a heart as big as the world around her.

The Little Mermaid

The Little Mermaid

  • Age: 4-6, 7-9
  • Genre: Fantasy, Fairy tale

In a world beneath the waves, a curious and adventurous little mermaid named Ariel longed to explore the world above. Her fascination with the surface world would lead her to make a life-altering decision.



  • Age: 4-6
  • Genre: Fantasy, Comedy

Hi there! I’m SleepCherry, a unique creature with a cherry-filled head and thorns on my hands. I help children with their dreams, but sometimes my appearance scares them.

Simon’s Strange Day

Simon’s Strange Day

  • Age: 4-6, 7-9
  • Genre: Fantasy, Comedy

Simon and Joshua faced a mysterious swap of words under a magical tree. Simon, who couldn’t say no, can only say no now, while Joshua, who always said no, can only say yes. A delightful adventure begins!

Mixed up wishes!

Mixed up wishes!

  • Age: 4-6, 7-9
  • Genre: Fantasy

Meet Ramona, the whimsical wish angel, on her very first night on the job. But her night takes a hilarious twist as she mixes up the wishes, leading to unexpected Christmas morning surprises.

FAQ About Magical Stories

Why should we read magical stories for kids?

Magical stories whisk kids away on fantastical adventures, sparking their imagination and creativity. They explore themes of good versus evil in a safe and engaging way, fostering a sense of wonder and possibility. Plus, magical creatures and abilities can make learning new concepts more exciting and engaging.

why do children love magical stories?

Kids love magical stories because they tap into their sense of wonder. They get to explore fantastical worlds and imagine themselves with incredible abilities, making everything feel exciting and full of possibility.

What are the features of a good magical story for kids?

A good magical story for kids features:

  • Enchanting World: A vivid and imaginative setting with magical elements that spark curiosity and a sense of wonder.
  • Relatable Characters: Characters with clear goals and struggles that kids can connect with, even if they have magical powers.
  • Meaningful Conflict: A well-defined challenge or obstacle that requires the characters to use their courage, wit, or kindness to overcome.

What are examples for magical stories for kids?

There are several magical Stories at Moonzia. The Snow Queen and Simon’s Strange Day are one of the best examples at this category.

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