White Magic

White Magic
White Magic Information

Emily the baby loves the snow! She plays in the snow, makes a snowman, and has a wonderful winter adventure.

White Magic Story

Emily was a little baby. She loved to look out the window. One day, it was very cold outside. Emily could see white flakes falling from the sky.

“Mommy, what are those?” Emily asked.

“Those are snowflakes, Emily,” Mommy said. “They’re falling from the sky.”

Emily see the snow for the first time
Emily see the snow for the first time

Emily watched the snowflakes fall. They were so light and fluffy. She wanted to touch them.

Mommy took Emily outside. Emily put her hands out. A snowflake landed on her hand. It was so cold!

Emily giggled. She loved the snow. She wanted to play in it.

Emily touching snowflakes
Emily touching snowflakes

Mommy put Emily in a little sled. She pulled the sled through the snow. Emily laughed and laughed.

They stopped at a big hill. Mommy pushed Emily up the hill. Then, she let go. Emily went down the hill very fast! She loved it!

Emily slides down the hill
Emily slides down the hill

They played in the snow for a long time. Emily was so tired. When it was time to go inside, she didn’t want to leave.

Mommy wrapped Emily in a warm blanket. She carried Emily inside. Emily fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

Emily sleeps in her warm blanket
Emily sleeps in her warm blanket

She had a wonderful dream about playing in the snow.


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Article categories: Bedtime Stories for KidsNon-Fiction Stories for KidsShort Stories for KidsStories About NatureStories for 0-3 YearsStories for Kids
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I'm a narrator obsessed with writing and telling children's stories. I believe that in the stories world, everything is much easier to understand, especially for kids.

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