I Am Helen Keller

Join Helen Keller on a journey of courage and hope, where she learns to overcome challenges and inspire others.
I Am Helen Keller Story
Hello, dear friends! My name is Helen Keller, and I have a very special story to share with you. It’s a story about never giving up, no matter what. So, snuggle up and get ready for an adventure!
I was born on a sunny day in Tuscumbia, Alabama, on June 27, 1880. My family’s home was called Ivy Green, and it was surrounded by beautiful trees and flowers. I loved the scents and the warmth of the sun on my skin.

But when I was just a little girl, 19 months old, I got very sick. The doctors called it “congestion of the stomach and brain,” but today, people think it might have been scarlet fever or meningitis.
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After the fever went away, my mom and dad realized I couldn’t see or hear anything. It was like being lost in a dark, silent forest.

Even though I couldn’t see or hear, I was a very curious and smart child. I learned to communicate with my family using signs, and I could even understand people by the vibration of their footsteps.
When I was six years old, my life changed forever. A wonderful teacher named Anne Sullivan came to live with us. She had a gentle touch and a big heart.

Ms. Sullivan taught me words by spelling them into my hand. I still remember the day I understood that “w-a-t-e-r” meant the cool, refreshing liquid running over my hand.

With Ms. Sullivan’s help, I learned so many things! I learned to read words that were raised on cardboard and to read Braille, which is a special way of reading with my fingers.
I even learned to speak by feeling the lips and throat of a person talking.

I loved learning so much that I decided to go to school, just like you! I went to the Perkins Institute for the Blind, and then to Radcliffe College, which is part of Harvard University.
I worked very hard and became the first person who couldn’t see or hear to graduate from college.

After college, I wrote books about my life, like “The Story of My Life,” and I traveled all over the world to give speeches. I wanted to help people understand that those with disabilities can do amazing things.

I met presidents and kings, and I worked hard to make the world a better place for people with disabilities. I fought for women’s rights and helped start organizations like the American Civil Liberties Union.

I lived a long, full life, and I passed away just before summer, on June 1, 1968. But my spirit of courage and hope lives on. I hope my story inspires you to be brave, to learn, and to help others, just like I did.
And that, my young friends, is the story of Helen Keller, a girl who couldn’t see or hear but helped the world see the beauty of courage and kindness.

I was blessed to be a baby sitter for a two year old blind toddler. I was in fifth grade and did this sweet child teach me alot. Lorie was the smarest little girl with a big personality. After reading about Helen Keller Helen and Lorie became my heroes.