A Feathered Friend

A Feathered Friend
A Feathered Friend Information

Quacker the duck feels lonely in his lake. But when he meets a friendly flamingo, they discover the joy of friendship and find new friends to play with.

A Feathered Friend Story

Little Quacker, oh so sweet,
Lived in a lake, a perfect retreat.
He loved to swim and splash with glee,
But often felt so lonely, you see.

quacker is lonely
quacker is lonely

One day, he saw a sight so grand,
A flamingo, standing on the sand.
With legs so long and neck so curved,
Quacker wondered if he’d ever observed.

“Hello there,” Quacker quacked with cheer,
“What brings you here, my friend so dear?”
The flamingo, with a gentle smile,
Said, “I’m just walking, for a while.”

Duck and flamingo
Duck and flamingo

“I’m Quacker,” he introduced with pride,
“This lake is where I make my hide.”
The flamingo nodded, “It’s a place,
So lovely, filled with nature’s grace.”

“But I feel lonely,” Quacker sighed,
“No one to play with, by my side.”
The flamingo felt the same, it’s true,
“I’m lonely too, just me and you.”

Quacker and flamingo become friends
Quacker and flamingo become friends

“Let’s be friends,” Quacker said with glee,
“And share this lake, wild and free.”
The flamingo agreed, with a happy cheer,
“Together, we’ll have nothing to fear.”

So Quacker and Flamingo, side by side,
Spent their days, with joy and pride.
They swam and played, and talked and laughed,
And found that friendship was the best craft.

Quacker and flamingo have good days
Quacker and flamingo have good days

One day, they saw a flock of ducks,
Swimming and splashing, oh so much.
“Let’s join them,” Quacker said with glee,
“And make more friends, wild and free.”

The ducks welcomed them with open wings,
And soon they joined in, singing and flinging.
No longer lonely, they were content,
With friends new found, a happy blend.

Quacker and the flock of ducks
Quacker and the flock of ducks

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Article categories: Animals Stories for KidsBedtime Stories for KidsMoral Stories for KidsRhyming Stories for KidsShort Stories for KidsStories About Family and FriendsStories for 4-6 YearsStories for Kids
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I'm a narrator obsessed with writing and telling children's stories. I believe that in the stories world, everything is much easier to understand, especially for kids.

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