Tommy’s Worries

Tommy is sad because his parents are getting a divorce. He sneaks out of bed and goes to school, seeking comfort. With the help of his understanding teacher, Miss Emily, Tommy learns to cope with his feelings and finds solace in the idea of creating a memory journal.
Tommy’s Worries Story
Tommy was a little boy with big, brown eyes and a heart full of worry. His mommy and daddy were getting a divorce. It meant they wouldn’t live together anymore. Tommy didn’t understand why, but he felt sad and scared.

One night, Tommy couldn’t sleep. He felt so lonely and lost. He thought, “Maybe if I go to school, I’ll feel better.” So, he quietly slipped out of bed and tiptoed to the window. He climbed out and started walking to school.
Also See the Story: The Memory Locket

The moon was high in the sky, casting long shadows on the ground. Tommy walked and walked, his heart pounding with fear and excitement. Finally, he reached the school. He sneaked inside and found an empty classroom. He curled up on a chair and tried to sleep.

But sleep wouldn’t come. He kept thinking about his mommy and daddy. He missed them so much. Just as he was about to cry, he heard a gentle voice.
“Tommy?” It was his teacher, Miss Emily. She was kind and understanding.
“What are you doing here, Tommy?” she asked softly.
Tommy felt tears welling up in his eyes. “I’m scared, Miss Emily,” he whispered. “My mommy and daddy are getting a divorce.”

Miss Emily sat down beside him and put her arm around him. “I know, Tommy,” she said. “It’s hard when families change. But remember, your mommy and daddy still love you very much. They just can’t live together anymore.”
Tommy looked up at Miss Emily, his eyes filled with hope. “Really?” he asked.
“Yes, really,” Miss Emily assured him. “You’ll still be able to see both of them. You can talk to them, hug them, and play with them. And if you ever feel sad or lonely, you can talk to me or your friends.”
Tommy felt a little better. He realized that even though his family was changing, he still had people who loved him.

“Miss Emily,” Tommy said, “I have an idea. Can I make a journal? I can put pictures of my mommy and daddy in it, and write down all our favorite memories.”
Miss Emily smiled. “That’s a wonderful idea, Tommy. A journal can be a special place to keep your memories safe. You can look at it whenever you miss your mommy or daddy.”

Tommy felt a warm feeling inside. He knew that he would be okay. He had Miss Emily, his friends, and the love of his parents. And he had his journal, a place to keep his heart and his hopes.
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