The Little Talker

Baby Mia is learning to talk! She tries her best to say “Mama” and “Dada,” and with lots of practice, she finally does it! Her parents are so proud of their little talker.
The Little Talker Story
Baby Mia is a happy little girl. She loves to play with her toys and listen to her mom and dad. She wants to talk just like them!

One day, Mia tries to make a sound. “Mmmm,” she says. Her mom and dad smile. “Good job, Mia!” they say.

Mia tries again. “Daaa,” she says. Her dad claps his hands. “You’re getting it, Mia!” he says.
Mia keeps trying. She makes lots of different sounds. “Ma,” she says. Her mom hugs her. “You’re so smart, Mia!” she says.
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Mia practices every day. She says “Ma” and “Da” over and over. Finally, she puts them together. “Ma-ma!” she says. Her mom and dad cheer.

Then, she tries again. “Da-da!” she says. Her dad picks her up and spins her around.

Mia is so happy. She can say “Mama” and “Dada”! Her mom and dad are so proud of her. They love their little talker.

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