Sunny’s Wiggly Tooth

Sunny’s Wiggly Tooth
Sunny’s Wiggly Tooth Information

Sunny the dinosaur has a wiggly tooth! Will his dino friends be able to help him pull it out? Get ready for a wiggly, toothy adventure!

Sunny’s Wiggly Tooth Story

Sunny was a little yellow dinosaur. He loved to eat green leaves, play hide-and-seek with his friends, and take long naps in the sunshine. One sunny morning, Sunny felt something funny in his mouth. He wiggled his tongue around and there it was a loose tooth!

“Wow!” Sunny shouted. “A wiggly tooth!”

He tried to pull it out with his tiny dinosaur hands, but it wouldn’t budge. He tried to wiggle it with his tongue, but that didn’t work either.

Sunny’s mom, Big Dino, heard him.

“What’s the matter, Sunny?” she asked, her big dinosaur eyes filled with worry.

“I have a wiggly tooth!” Sunny cried.

Sunny's mom helping him
Sunny’s mom helping him

“Don’t worry, little one,” said Big Dino. “Let me help you.” She tried to pull the tooth with her big, strong claws, but it was stuck tight.

Sunny’s dad, Strong Dino, came over to help.

“Let’s try this,” he said, opening his big, scary mouth.

He tried to grab the tooth with his sharp teeth, but the tooth just laughed at him.

big Dino helps Sunny
big Dino helps Sunny

All the other dinosaurs heard the commotion and came running over. There was Tiny Dino, who was so small he could fit in Sunny’s pocket. There was Speedy Dino, who could run faster than any other dinosaur. And there was Gigantic Dino, who was so big he could eat a whole tree in one bite!

They all wanted to help Sunny with his loose tooth. Tiny Dino tried to pull it with his tiny hands, but it was too strong. Speedy Dino tried to shake the tooth out by running really fast, but that didn’t work either. Gigantic Dino tried to blow the tooth out with a big, strong breath, but the tooth just stayed put.

Sunny is running away
Sunny is running away

Sunny was getting tired of trying to pull out his tooth. He wanted to go back to playing. But his friends were determined to help. They tried everything they could think of. They tied a rope to the tooth and tried to pull it out with a dinosaur tug-of-war. They even tried to hypnotize the tooth, but it didn’t work.

all friends are helped Sunny
all friends are helped Sunny

Finally, after what felt like a million years, the tooth started to wiggle a lot. Everyone pulled together, and with a big POP, the tooth came out! Sunny was so excited! He jumped up and down and laughed with joy.

His friends cheered and clapped. Big Dino gave Sunny a big hug.

“You’re a brave little dinosaur,” she said.

The loose tooth popped
The loose tooth popped

Sunny was so happy that he went to sleep that night with a big smile on his face. He dreamed of sugar cookies and ice cream. When he woke up in the morning, he felt something funny in his mouth again. He put his tongue out and felt it. Another wiggly tooth!

Sunny groaned.

“Oh no!” he said.

Sunny has another loose tooth
Sunny has another loose tooth

But then he smiled. He knew his friends would help him again. After all, having a loose tooth was a big adventure!


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Article categories: Bedtime Stories for KidsStories About DinosaursStories About Health and HygieneStories for 7-12 YearsStories for Kids
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I'm a narrator obsessed with writing and telling children's stories. I believe that in the stories world, everything is much easier to understand, especially for kids.

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