Blue Fish’s Huge Wish

Blue Fish’s Huge Wish
Blue Fish’s Huge Wish Information
TypeBedtime, Rhyme

In the vibrant coral reef, a little fish yearned for the grandeur of sharks. Adorned in fake fins, she discovered the wisdom of a starfish, embracing her uniqueness and finding joy in her true self.

Blue Fish’s Huge Wish Story

In a coral reef where waters gleam,
Lived a little fish, not living the dream.
Blue and cute, but discontent in her space,
Yearned to be big, with a shark’s strong embrace.

Tales of sharks, the ocean’s mighty kings,
Filled her thoughts with grandiose wings.
Fake fin, fake teeth, she adorned with glee,
Hoping to be big, fierce, wild, and free.

fish putting on a shark dress in blue fish's huge wish story for kids
fish putting on a shark dress

Pretending to be a shark, she swam around,
Scaring sea creatures, creating no rebound.
Lonely she felt, her joy just a guise,
No friends around, only echoing cries.

fish being sad in blue fish's huge wish story for kids
fish being sad

A starfish approached, with a kind, friendly air,
“Why wear those things? You’re beyond compare.
Little fish, be yourself, not what you yearn,
In your own beauty, you have much to discern.”

starfish talking to fish in blue fish's huge wish story for kids
starfish talking to fish

Confused, she replied, “I want to be grand,
Like a shark, ruling seas, vast and grand.”
The starfish smiled, imparting a truth,
Sharks may seem strong, but they’re lonely, forsooth.

“Smart and kind, with friends all around,
You’re unique, with treasures abound.
Don’t chase what you’re not, embrace your own grace,
Being yourself is the truest embrace.”

fish and starfish talking in blue fish's huge wish story for kids
fish and starfish talking

Removing the fake fin, the teeth laid aside,
She swam to her friends, no longer to hide.
Hugs and smiles, a warm, joyful reunion,
Her true self embraced, a beautiful communion.

fish getting happy in blue fish's huge wish story for kids
fish getting happy

A lesson learned in the ocean’s embrace,
To love oneself is the ultimate grace.
The little fish discovered in the coral’s deep delve,
Being herself was more than enough.

fish and starfish being happy in blue fish's huge wish story for kids
fish and starfish being happy

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Article categories: Animals Stories for KidsBedtime Stories for KidsMoral Stories for KidsRhyming Stories for KidsShort Stories for KidsStories About NatureStories for 4-6 YearsStories for Kids
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I'm a narrator obsessed with writing and telling children's stories. I believe that in the stories world, everything is much easier to understand, especially for kids.

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