Sunshine and Reeva in Spain

Sunshine and Reeva in Spain
Sunshine and Reeva in Spain Information
Age4-6, 7-9
GenreNon-fiction, Education

Sunshine and her magical bike, Reeva, embark on a thrilling adventure to Spain! They explore vibrant cities, marvel at stunning architecture, and indulge in delicious Spanish treats.

My name is Sunshine, and my best friend is Reeva, my shiny blue bike. Reeva isn’t just any bike; she’s magic! She has a tiny, tinkling bell that, when I ring it just right, whoosh! We’re off on an adventure! Our last trip was all the way to Australia, where we saw kangaroos hopping and koalas munching eucalyptus leaves. But now, Reeva’s bell is jingling with excitement – we’re going to Spain!

The first thing I noticed was the warm, golden sunshine. It felt just like my name! We were in a beautiful city with tall buildings and narrow, winding streets.

“This must be Barcelona!” I shouted to Reeva. She wobbled her handlebars in agreement.

We cycled past La Sagrada Familia, a church that looked like it was made of sandcastles! It was so big and intricate, with pointy towers reaching towards the sky. My book said a famous architect named Antoni Gaudí designed it, and he worked on it for many years. It’s still not finished! Imagine working on something for that long!

Sunshine and La Sagrada Familia

Reeva and I explored the city, our wheels clicking on the cobblestone streets. We saw people selling colourful flowers at La Rambla, a famous street filled with shops and performers. A man dressed as a pirate juggled shiny balls, and a lady with a sparkly dress danced with a fan. It was like a party everywhere!

Sunshine and streets of Spain

We stopped for lunch at a little café. I ordered paella, a dish with rice, seafood, and chicken. It was so colourful and smelled delicious! I shared a tiny bit of shrimp with Mr. Snuggles, who seemed to enjoy it very much. Reeva, of course, preferred a good oiling.

After lunch, we hopped back on Reeva and cycled to Park Güell. It was like a magical garden with colourful mosaic tiles and funny-shaped benches. We climbed up to the top and looked out over the whole city. It was breathtaking! I took out my drawing pencils and tried to capture the amazing view in my notebook. The colours were so vibrant – the deep blue of the sea, the terracotta roofs of the houses, and the bright green of the trees.

Sunshine in the magical garden

The next day, we decided to visit Madrid, the capital of Spain. We rang Reeva’s bell again, ting-a-ling, and whoosh! We were transported to a bustling city with wide avenues and grand buildings.

We visited the Royal Palace, which was so big and fancy it looked like it belonged in a fairy tale. I imagined kings and queens walking through the enormous rooms, wearing beautiful gowns and crowns. Reeva and I even pretended we were royalty for a few minutes, bowing and waving to imaginary crowds.

Sunshine in Madrid

In Madrid, we also saw the Plaza Mayor, a beautiful square surrounded by buildings with red walls. There were people playing music, artists painting portraits, and children chasing pigeons. It was a lively and exciting place.

We learned about a famous Spanish painter named Pablo Picasso. My book showed me pictures of his paintings, which were very colourful and abstract. They looked like they were made of shapes all jumbled together. I tried to draw my own Picasso-inspired picture, but it was a bit tricky!

Sunshine and pablo picasoo's paintings

One evening, we watched a flamenco show. The music was fast and exciting, and the dancers wore beautiful dresses with ruffles and twirls. They stomped their feet and clapped their hands, and their movements were so passionate and graceful. I tried to copy their steps, but I kept tripping over my own feet! Reeva, however, seemed to have the rhythm down perfectly, wobbling her handlebars in time with the music.

Sunshine and dancers

Before we left Spain, we had to try churros con chocolate. They were like long, crispy doughnuts sprinkled with sugar, and you dip them in thick, hot chocolate. Oh my goodness, they were the most delicious thing I’d ever tasted! I shared some with Mr. Snuggles (he’s a big fan of chocolate) and even let Reeva have a tiny nibble (just kidding!).

Our trip to Spain was amazing! We saw incredible places, learned about fascinating history and culture, and ate the most delicious food. I filled my notebook with drawings and stories of our adventures.

sunshine eats churros con chocolate

As the sun began to set on our last day in Spain, I stood with Reeva on a hill overlooking the city of Madrid. I rang her bell one last time, a gentle ting-a-ling, and whispered,

“Thank you, Reeva, for another wonderful adventure.”

Reeva’s bell gave a little ting and then another ting-a-ling-ting! I think she was trying to tell me something. I wonder where we’ll go on our next adventure! Maybe Italy? Or perhaps…? I can’t wait to find out!


Moonzia's Suggestion

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Article categories: Bedtime Stories for KidsNon-Fiction Stories for KidsStories for 7-12 YearsStories for Kids
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I'm a narrator obsessed with writing and telling children's stories. I believe that in the stories world, everything is much easier to understand, especially for kids.

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